Protests, Violence Against Police & Burning Cities

Posted by Max 4 years ago.
Posted in RutLife

I am sick of seeing the videos playing over and over again of the violence that is taking place between our boys in blue (ladies in blue too) and violent antagonists who are using George Floyd’s death as a means to stir up conflict throughout our country. I have yet to see or hear from any policemen that they agreed with the accessive use of force that was used on Mr. Floyd, nor have I heard anyone wearing the shield say that they were backing former officer Derek Chauvin’s actions so WHY is it that this has turned into a “F*%k the police!” situation???? Less than a week ago everyone was praising our front line -nurses, doctors, EMS, firefighters AND police for putting their lives at risk to protect us during COVID-19 and with the actions of ONE PERSON, ONE BAD COP, people want to burn down our police stations, cities, and our neighbor’s businesses!? The actions being taken across our country, FOR THE MOST PART, are bullshit. You want to protest peacefully, go for it, it’s your God-given right as an American. Looting and burning down businesses is not how you get justice. Assaulting business owners protecting their life’s work is not how you get justice. Brutality against the guys and gals who literally put their lives on the line for you every day is not how you get justice.